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Online Video Course

First aid for kids and babies


with pediatrician and bestseller author

Dr. Karella Easwaran

– Dr. K – 

Provide your child with the best protection it deserves!

 Online Video Course

First aid for kids and babies

with pediatrician and bestseller author

Dr. Karella Easwaran

– aka Dr. K – 

Provide your child with the best protection it deserves!

„Our aim is to introduce and train all parents how to act correctly in potential emergency.“

Specialist in pediatrics, adolescent and infant medicine

Dr. Karella Easwaran

With our video courses you can flexibly manage your time and train yourself in how to save lives in case of emergency.

„Fear of mistakes can have a paralyzing effect.

Many parents are afraid of acting wrong in an emergency situation.

Do you feel that too?


Our Goal is to assist you on how to overcome your fear of making mistakes.“

Online Video Course

First aid for kids and babies

First Aid Saves Lives

Make the difference!

Invest in the safety and protection of your child today.

Don’t hesitate and sign up now for our kids & babies first aid video course.

Your benefits:

1. Online video course in HD quality with over 40 videos and more than 180 minutes of screen time.

2. You can complete the course completely everywhere, anytime! Independent of location, time and knowledge level.

3. Unlimited lifetime access

4. Accessible on all devices: computer, tablet and smartphone

5. Detailed knowledge refreshers via E-Mail:

We regularly remind you to repeat all course content.

„Only through repetition knowledge can manifest itself and you can recall it without hesitation in stressful situations.“

Pediatrician Dr. Karella Easwaran

Who is this course for?



Whether you are expecting and would like to use this course as preparation, or already have children: Every parent should do a first aid training.



As a grandparent, do you want to be sure that you can do the right thing for your grandchild in an emergency? Then this course will give you the most up to date information on first aid measures and will provide you with the confidence you need to act in case of an emergency.


Babysitters & Educators

Are you responsible for children or infants of others? Most accidents happen to children at home – with us you are prepared and can refresh your knowledge at any time.


Family & Friends

Do you care for or babysit children amongst your family and friends and would like be able to act professionally in case of an emergency? Then register today for our video course.

Free trial

First aid for kids and babies

In this trial course you will get free access to the following videos:


Video 1: Resuscitation for children – 1 year and above


Video 2: Ingestion of foreign parts into the lungs or airways


Video 3: The most important emergency numbers

Free trial

First aid for kids and babies

In this trial course you will get free access to the following videos:


Video 1: Resuscitation for children – 1 year and above


Video 2: Ingestion of foreign parts into the lungs or airways


Video 3: The most important emergency numbers

Customer satisfaction is key!

I can absolutely recommend the online course.

I really like the design, the structure, the high quality video content and the flexibility due to the unlimited access.

The structured sections make it super possible to combine the course with family life.

The course is highly recommended for all moms, dads and people involved with infants and children.

The topics are explained in a clear, fun and understandable way.

Dilara Anik


I think the idea of offering a first aid course online is really great.

As a pediatrician, I know how important it is to be able to react quickly and consciously in emergencies.

Of course, we all hope that we never get into such an emergency situation. But if it does happen, you are well prepared with this course.

You can always brush up on the knowledge, and it also makes a great gift for expectant parents.

I highly recommend this course.

Dr. Snjezana Schuett

Pediatrician, Online Expert and consultant

As a practicing pediatrician, I can absolutely recommend the online first aid course by my colleague Dr. Karella Easwaran.

In my opinion, a first aid course should be obligatory for all parents.

The course covers all relevant topics on first aid for children and babies and is thematically very well structured.

The fact that it is a lifetime access in combination with regular email reminders ensures that the content can be regularly refreshed and the knowledge is thus permanently memorized.

A great online course that can save your child’s life. 

Olaf Conrad

Pediatrician, First Aid Advisor

About pediatrician
Dr. Karella Easwaran

Dr. Karella Easwaran, studied medicine and is trained as a specialist in pediatric and adolescent medicine at the University Children’s Hospital in Cologne, Germany.

She also obtained additional qualifications in naturopathic medicine and nutritional medicine. In recent years, she has been particularly involved in mind-body medicine and gained experience at the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Harvard University.

The mother of two sons works as a pediatrician in her own practice in Germany and has appeared as an expert on the famous TV-Show „The doctors“.

Both her books “the secret of healthy children“ and “the secret of resilient mothers“ which were both published in German have become national Spiegel-Bestsellers.

Dr. Karella Easwaran

What will you learn in this course?


The following contents await you in our video course for first aid for babies and children:

Introduction videos

First Aid Saves Lives
  • Welcome
  • Whats is an emergency?


Module 1 -3

Suffocation Kids
Module 1: The most important first aid measures in a life-threatening emergency


Video 1: Cardiovascular Arrest

Video 2: Emergency Procedure

Video 3: Recovery position – Why it is so important!

Video 4: Resuscitation for babies up to 1 year of age

Video 5: Resuscitation for children 1 year of age and above

Modul 2: Airway - How to protect your child from choking


Video 6: Choking

Video 7: Suffocation

Video 8: Swallow

Video 9: Drowning

Video 10: Pseudo Croup

Video 11: Asthma

Video 12: Insect bite in the mouth

Module 3: The proper care of injuries in a first aid situation.


Video 13: Wounds – types, dangers and the right care

Video 14: Bone fractures – injuries with great pain

Video 15: Joint injuries

Video 16: Chemical burns – The most important first aid measure

Module 4 -6

Teh correct treatment of poisonings
Module 4: The proper care of burns and hypothermia.


Video 17: Burns & scalds

Video 18: How to treat hypothermia

Modul 5: The proper care in case of poisoning


Video 19: Dangers and procedure in case of poisoning

Modul 6: Other first aid measures


Video 20: Electricity accident – What to do now

Video 21: Tick bite – The tick does not bite, it stings

Video 22: Wasps, bees and other insect bites: What you should definitely watch out for

Video 23: The oak processionary moth – A real plague

Video 24: Sunburn & sunstroke – Simply must not happen

Video 25: Earache – A very common emergency in childhood

Video 26: Concussion – What to do in case of emergency

Video 27: Allergies & Allergic Reactions – A very big topic nowadays

Video 28: Shock – Causes, dangers and symptoms


Module 7 -9

Prevention First Aid Kids
Module 7: Common diseases with children


Video 29: Fever – Is not a disease!

Video 30: Common Illness

Video 31: Nosebleeds

Module 8: Preventive actions - How to prepare yourself


Video 32: Why is prevention so important?

Video 33: Electrical appliances

Video 34: Scalds and burns: How to prevent accidents

Video 35: Poisoning

Video 36: Water – Never let your child out of your sight

Video 37: Sleeping place – An often underestimated danger zone

Video 38: Changing table – Always keep one hand on the child

Video 39: Toys – Avoid small toys

Video 40: Road traffic

Video 41: Garden – Pay special attention

Module 9: Most important emergency numbers


Video 42: Most important emergency numbers

You made a difference!

Thank you!


Video 43: You have made a difference!

Online videocourse: First aid for kids and babies


Over 40 videos with more than 180 minutes screen running time

Unlimited lifetime access

Targeted knowledge refresher via email reminder

Suitable for all devices: Computer, tablet and smartphone

First Aid Saves Lives

„Please never forget: the only thing you can do wrong in an emergency situation is to do NOTHING.

Dr. Karella Easwaran